International Bateson Institute

The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think
— Gregory Bateson

The International Bateson Institute (IBI), registered in Stockholm, is a non-profit foundation for transcontextual research in ecology, economy, social change, health, education, and art. The IBI supports a new kind of research that encourages and incubates projects, which examine the interactions within complex systems.

The aim of this research is to increase our ability to take into account the many relationships that coexist in any context of living things. In addition to providing much-needed perspective to existing research institutions, the findings of the International Bateson Institute projects are presented as seminars, media, and artistic exhibitions, which engage culture and education simultaneously in public spaces, for all ages.

The IBI generates and gives access to information that offers a wider vision. The focus of IBI inquiry is on the interrelational dynamics between and interdepencies among systems.

The IBI research involves recognizing how patterns repeat and reflect each other across multiple contexts and across multiple systems – understanding these systems’ maintenance and renewal will be critical in the coming decades.

The underlying premise of the IBI is to address and experiment with how we perceive. Our mandate is to look in other ways so that we might find other species of information and new patterns of connection not visible though current methodologies.

They call this information “Warm Data.”